Thursday, October 21, 2010

DAY 13

Whew!  Couldn't get into the blog last night - very disappointing - I have so much to share!  So here it is!
Eric and Lesley OWN Act 1!  What a great rehearsal - a big leap forward.  In the process of every show -- well, every good show -- the moment comes when the actors relax enough to feel their characters, rather than think about them.  And this is about the time you hope it happens.
I decided we needed to shake things up a bit.  We started out talking about the characters and how they've evolved - I told them to worry less about trying to please me, and instead just let their characters come out and do what's right for them.  I also said I was confident they knew their lines - and to prove it, added "Let's do a speed through!"  A speed-through is when the actors go through the lines as fast as they possibly can - no acting, no movement.  Personally, as an actress I HATE them (the older you get, the harder they seem to be) - but Eric and Lesley were thrilled!  They did their speed through - and had fun with it.  Then we went through the act with my stopping them to make adjustments.  Finally, we ran the act. I was mesmerized!  You'd think after having seen it 1000 times that by now I'd be bored - but on the contrary - they really moved me - Back in the shop, we had brought in extra help to get us back on schedule with the set.  So they accomplished this great run with hammering, sawing and stapling going on - plus the occasional tech person would walk on stage to take measurements!  But their concentration was great.
And this morning I stopped by a thrift store next door to the office - and there was the perect little couch - marked 30% off - a total of $70.  And it supports Hospice of the Valley - a win-win!  We stuffed the couch into my little Honda Fit (I love that car!) and got it down to the theatre!
And so it goes

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