Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 11

We all came dragging in today.  A six-day rehearsal week - on top of the fact that most of us have other jobs - makes for a l-o-n-g week. 
Today was fun though - we had our "Designer run."  The sound, set, lights and costume designers came in to watch the show and make notes.  In place of Thom, our set designer, his wife Mavis came.  She's going to be "dressing" the set.  That is, she'll get the furniture, rugs, telephones and other things we need.  I was glad she was there to see the types of things we'll need.  Right now we're using a couch that happened to be there, and then rehearsal cubes (wooden square boxes) to represent tables and such.  She took detailed notes and will start checking with other theatre companies to see what we can borrow.  And then hit the thrift stores!  Costumes seem to be under control - Eric's sport coat sleeves were too short, but that's easy enough to fix.  And we're anxiously awaiting the arrival of the head coverings we ordered for Lesley. Sound is pretty simple for this one - two different doorbells and phone rings, maybe a little thunder at the top of the show.  We've added a radio playing in one part, and got Israeli CDs to choose from.   We talked about Curtain Call music, and have decided that at most we'd like a little violin music.  And we have to record a message for the phone.  Lights got to see the various playing areas we're using.  Phx. College struck their huge set Sat. night and re-painted the floor to black today.  There must be a thousand coats of paint on that floor!
We ran the whole show - actors were great - and it was such fun to hear the designers at the end - each with a different opinion as to who is "right" and who is "wrong" (of course, neither is - or is it that each is in his/her own way!).  After a short meeting where we set the schedule for tech week,  the actors came back in.  They were exhausted.  We just ran through a couple of parts to help seal their blocking and called it a day.
While the actors have tomorrow off, the tech staff will be very busy loading in the set.  With any luck, we'll be able to add the furniture on Tuesday, and actually try a rehearsal on the stage Tues. evening.  We know there's going to be a lot of re-working of blocking, as the actors acclimate to the new, larger space.  We're lucky to be on the set this early - having 8 days on the actual set is wonderful!
Really looking forward to this next big step!
And so it goes

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